Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So I decided to use a quote from Baby Mama, hilarious show. Go watch it. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are hilarious. Anyway so I was trying to make a poster focusing on what I would do for the animation.. bad idea. They turned out... well just not very interesting..

So I decided after critique to scan in a piece of gum and run the text on top of it. I think it turned out pretty cool. Here is the link to the clip on youtube. check it out

and here's my final poster

Flash Animation to come :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

HTML Website

When I started having ideas for a website I had no idea what kind of work goes into websites.  It has been quite the process.  So here are a few of my sketches... The class liked the idea of having the tree, kindof like those things that you hang jewelry on. So I went with that for a logo of sorts.

The next step was some digital comps... Looking back its funny how much the little things change the whole composition of the site.

I really liked the softer colors... I just wasn't sure about the layout. It didn't feel quite right. There really wasn't good organization for how I was laying out the pages. I did about a million more sketches for the layouts on each page.... If you want to check out the final website you should! Click here!

What do you think? There are still some more kinks to work out but I'm happy with how it turned out. Even though it came a couple of sleep deprived nights later...